Welcome to the process of Bespoke, it is an exciting and rewarding experience where a gown, created from scratch, is crafted just for you, to your measurements, style and personality.

It is a unique and one off creation that can not be purchased from any bridal retailer.

We recommend a bespoke gown for brides who have a vision in mind and a good idea of what they are after, and wish to have a gown that is expertly crafted and fitted so it reveals her best assets.

Our process is outlined below, but it can slightly vary depending on the style of the gown and its complexity.

As a guide, we ideally would love 10 – 12 months to develop a gown from sketch to final creation, but we are flexible and will accommodate a time frame where we can.

A custom gown, developed from an existing sample, follows a similar process but usually with a shorter time frame and 1 -2 less fittings as the style is being created from 1 or 2 we have already tried and tested.

Our Bespoke gowns start from $10,500




We have a chat about the styles you have seen, tried and like. We always encourage brides to bring along images from social media, magazines, or pinterest to show us just what they have in mind. We also recommend a bride has a budget in mind so we can design accordingly.


Armed with all the details from the consult, a sketch is developed along with visual imagery to illustrate the design direction and a quote is provided including all aspects of the gowns creation, so the bride has full view of the investment. At this point we encourage brides to offer their feedback on all aspects, from design direction, fabrications and quote.

Feedback, Refine, Finalise & Approval

The design is discussed with the bride, we refine the details, shape and form based on the bride’s feedback. At this point we can also briefly discuss fabrications. We also take the brides measurements at this point.


Once the design has been finalised, it is handed over to the Master patternmaker who creates the first patterns of the chosen design and the specifications to sew the design to the first stage.


The first patterns are sent to the cutter for cutting in a calico or suitable fabrication for the design. The cut work is passed onto the Head machinist and the first toile is sewn.

Fit & Alter

The first fitting on the bride, where we check the fit, design lines and any special features of the initial development. We pin, draw and cut the toile where we require to modify and improve. Initial toile may only be the bodice or a very basic version of the design which is developed once the fit is corrected.

After the fitting, the patternmaker alters and develops the patterns, it is then sent to the cutter and onto the machinist for a second toile.

Fit & Alter #2

The second fitting on the bride, we check the fit, design and proportions of the gown. We mark any adjustments and discuss with the bride any final adjustment required before we move onto the real gown. At this fitting we can also discuss and mark any special textile features that may be required.


The gown design and patterns are finalised. The selected fabrics are tested and finalised to ensure suitability for the gown. At this point any special embroideries or lace are designed and sent for sampling.

Gown creation

The finalised patterns are sent to the cutter and then onto the machinist for sewing the initial shell of the real gown.

Progress fitting

The shell of the gown, without any finishes in seams, is fitted on the bride, checked and the fit is altered where required. The gown then goes back to the machinist who makes any changes and then continues to sew the gown to the next stage and the gown is then refitted and checked.


The gown is sewn to the pre lining stage, here special laces, embroideries or applique are started and placed onto the gown by the designer. A fitting is then scheduled to check the detailing on the bride after which the gown can then be completed.

Pre completion

A fitting before the final touches are added, to ensure the fit and finish is on point.

Final fitting

A final fitting of the gown approximately 2 weeks prior to the wedding.